Sunday, March 31, 2019

March - new team!

This month was loooooooong. We had the elections, and I loved giving out tips and encouragement about running in the election. Saw some cool campaigns and it was nice seeing the winners' inspiring speeches. It wasn't all fun and games for everyone though and it was hard having to talk to students who felt let-down by the union. Nevertheless, I am very happy for all the winners and I am certain they will make an awesome team next year :)

I have organised the schedule for World Autism Awareness week and handed out hundreds of Autism Awareness guides specifically aimed at University staff and lecturers/tutors. I am very glad that I got the university talking about autism and the university experience of a student on the spectrum. This priority was a key promise I spoke to hundreds of students about during my elections campaign and i am so glad to be delivering on it. Feel free to join me at the events listed on the poster :)

Remember the timetable revolution i spoke about during the January post - how the university is re-looking at how they allocate timetables due to students (like myself) expressing our timetables are not always great? Well the university is taking this really seriously, they've rolled up their sleeves and working hard on delivering a solution. This has meant I am not included in a number of University meetings/committees with the word "timetable" in the title, and I've been referring to the result of the timetable survey and my conversations with you to represent the student voice during these meetings - such as 9am starts being a pain.

Speaking of committees, I've also had the great responsibility of informing University boards of the unfairness of capping module grades at a pass if students are retaking a module in a following year - and they are now looking to remove this cap. 

Thank you for reading :)
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Hi g uys! Just finished m onth two as your VP and I would like to tell you how  it  ha s  been.    First of  all ,  let me  clarify ...